Your seat? We beg to differ

Paddy had surgery

The past few days doubts about Paddy’s health began to emerge and when she wouldn’t eat last night or this morning Photoguy decided to take her to the vet. She was diagnosed with intussusception of the intestine and in need of surgery. That was performed the same afternoon. Afterwards the vet reported the surgery went well. Part of the intestine has been removed and unless there is a leak or it fails to start functioning again she should be fine.
Later he called to report she was recovering well, but still very weak (she did lose a lot of blood because of the procedure). No reason to worry, but he did want to keep her there for the night.

Paddy is home

This afternoon Paddy came home from the vet. She looks at ease and is drinking, but still needs to be fed. Hopefully a little bit of trout will bring her appetite back.