Paddy died

Last evening the vet called to give the sad news of Paddy’s death.

We hoped she was young and strong enough to recover from the surgery that was necessary to save her life. But in her already weakened state the shock of the procedure and the blood loss turned out to be too much for her to bear.
The past days she held on bravely and patiently endured the continuous administering of food and water. Each time she was fed she seemed to perk up a bit, but instead of getting stronger, she slowly got weaker. When her body temperature dropped the kittens even helped by cuddling up against her.
Final attempts at the vet’s to warm and revive her were to no avail. Knowing that at leaving her at the vet this afternoon there was only a glimmer of hope left that her situation might improve, the news of her death came as a huge shock.

Paddy was exactly like she looks in her pictures. Enterprising, funny and very very sweet. Thank you for all the kind words, purrs and prayers from the past days, they show that she was loved the world over.

We will miss her tremendously.

98 thoughts on “Paddy died

  1. oh my goodness, my heart just sank when i saw this in my in-box. I am so so sorry. do they think this was a complication from the birth? i am so sorry for your loss. you must be in shock. sweet thing. i don’t even know what to say. bless those kittens for trying to help their mommy. and how lovely that they will have another mommy who is there to feed them and take them under her wing.

  2. I am so very sorry for Paddy’s loss; I am crying as I write this to you…What a terrible shock and huge tragedy for you all and your/Paddy’s family of cats…She was a gorgeous girl and a sweet Mom, a fun sister and a loving daughter…I wish you all and Briti, Dushi and the kittens peace and comfort during this sad time…Love never dies…xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Deepest sympathies on he loss of Paddy. Too often, those we love are taken away from us far too soon. May her memory live on in your hearts forever.


  5. We are so, so sorry to read this! We mourn with you. Paddy’s sweetness was a reflection of the love she felt her whole too short life. Your family is in our thoughts and purrayers.
    ~ Tabbymom Jen, Victor Tabbycat & Nina Torbie

  6. I am so so sorry. I saw the title and my heart leapt to my feet. I so feel your pain and send some huge hugs your way. Please ake comfort from knowing how much Paddy was loved and that Paddy knew that. We will all miss her so. Run free little one at the bridge.. Hugs GJ xx

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful cat and I will always remember her and I will miss her also as I have followed your beautiful blog and your kindness. I am so glad that you have let us know. She left you a legacy, her kittens. Take care of you and your household of kitties. I share your sadness as I lost my kitty last year.

  8. We are so very sad to hear about sweet Paddy. What a lovely girl and a good mommy. Comforting purrs to all of you.

    Run free at the Bridge, little Paddy …

  9. Soooooo sad. I feel like crying. SORRY. I feel your loss. My adult cat died 2 1/2 years ago and I still think about him like it was yesterday.

  10. We are so, so sorry for your loss! Our blogger wasn’t working for a little while, so we couldn’t visit to look at the little kittens… We’re so shocked that it happened so fast – though having lost a brother suddenly ourselves, we know how fast things can happen. We’ve so enjoyed visiting your blog to watch the babies grow & are crushed that their beautiful mother is gone. Deepest, rumbliest purrs in sympathy.

    ~Nico & JayJay

  11. i am so sorry to hear this but i can guarantee she was welcomed to the bridge by many many precious pets including my sweet baby velvet paws that passed 8 years ago and soem others i lost throught the years. she is at peace and she loves you for waht you did. you will see her again.

  12. It’s hard to find the words to express how sorry I am for your loss. Paddy was very special to us all in the Cat Blogosphere – I feel so sick and sad that Paddy has passed at such a young age.

    You’re in our thoughts, and Paddy is in our prayers. If there is anything we can do, you only need ask.

  13. Oh no. Mom and I are very very sad to hear about Paddy. Paddy and Dushi were among our first friends when we started twittering and blogging and are very special to us. We’re going to miss Paddy very much. My eyes are leaking. I know Paddy will be ok across the Rainbow Bridge, but I’m still sad because I’ll miss her so much. We send you hugs and purrs and wish there was something we could do to help you.

  14. We are so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl and she must make one beautiful angel now. She left you knowing the true meaning of love, home, and family and will watch over you from The Bridge. SHe knows how much you loved her and how much joy she brought to you. She is waiting for the day you shall meet again.

    Gentle Purrs and (((HUGS)))~
    The Kool~Kittie~Krew & Shannon

  15. Farewel sweet Paddy. It is very sad. I guess that is why even in humans teenage pregnancy is not advocated. They themselves are growing and when babies come, coping with conditions that they can in normal instances become difficult. Please do look after Briti and the babies abd Dushi well. If there are any female babies please spay them at correct time and Briti too. Sorry to say such things in your time of sadness but one needs to face the reality too.

  16. We’re so sorry to hear the sad news about Paddy. We are very sorry for your loss. We’re sending you and her kittens comforting hugs and gentle purrs.

  17. *tears* When we saw the update on our blogroll, our hearts sank with pure sadness. Then seeing the picture of her in the tree is almost too much to bear. We will always remember Paddy up in the trees, trying her hardest to be a bird. She will now soar high with the birds and be free of pain. We are so very sorry for your loss. You have our deepest sympathies and comforting purrs. (((hugs)))

  18. We are in total denial here……, no, NO!!!!!! Not darling Paddy. We reach out to all of you with love and hope in some way we can give you a bit of comfort. We know you will miss her very much…….we will be missing her also. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  19. I’ve been following all the kitties and goings on and I am so sad to hear this – all of us animal people who follow and know Paddy from your blog are very sad – I’m so sorry for your loss.

  20. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Paddy was simply wonderful. This is so devastating. I feel like I knew her, too — and I was so hopeful she would make it, as were many others.

    If it’s any consolation at all, you know that you gave her the best life possible in the short time she was here on Earth. She had a better life than most cats; she could explore outdoors and still come home to loving TLC. She also was able to experience the joys of motherhood at least once. Paddy lived a very full life, though all too brief.

    Paddy is a dear soul and I’m sure she’ll always be with you in your heart and in spirit. Her life has great meaning, and she has left a great legacy around the world. Rest well, little tree angel.

  21. We are so sorry to hear about Paddy’s passing. She was such a special kitty and so loved by everyone all over the world. We are devastated to hear of this tragedy and sending you lots of purrs and prayers that Paddy will find comfort over the Rainbow Bridge. Lots of hugs to Briti, Dushi, the kittens and Paddy’s mum and dad.
    Lots of purrrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

  22. I am so sorry for your loss. Both for Paddy and the kitten. I am so sad that I am crying too. She was such a beautiful cat. I loved looking at the photos you took of her. At least she will not be hurting anymore. Heartfelt sympathy is being sent your way for you and all the rest of your cat family.

  23. We are sitting here with leaky eyes and such sad hearts. We are so sorry to hear that sweet Paddy went to the Bridge. We loved seeing her and watching her playing in the trees. We’re sending deep purrs and furry hugs to you.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  24. Oh no…we read about Paddy on The Very Best Cats blog. This is so sad, and to lose a kitten, too. My thoughts are with you and that the remaining kittens will be ok.

    You are correct, intussuception can be brought on by diarrhea–things like giardia, toxoplasmosis, tritrichomonas and clostridial overgrowth are things you might want to check the kittens out for.

  25. Our hearts are breaking…such a sweetheart and such a shock even though we knew she was fighting for her life. There is now another beautiful guardian angel at The Bridge.

    Purrs to all of you.

  26. My heart really goes out to you. This is a beautiful page for beautiful babies, and you honor them well. Purrs and BIG HUGS to you from me and my fab five felines: Aurelius, BLT, Otis, Serenity, and Cy.

  27. We are so sad to hear Paddy went to the Bridge. Purrs and Prays for you. God Bless You

    joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu from singapore

  28. Big hugs! Paddy was very very beautiful. When I was a child I knew that after they die, the cats go to the Cats Heaven.

  29. Dear friends,
    What a tragedy…I’m so sorry for this terrible sad moment.All my purrs and prayers for her and you all.
    I’m so sad…
    Paddy, sweetie…I will always LOVE you!
    Luna ( and mommy Léia )

  30. We are so sorry that dear little Paddy didn’t make it and a little kitten was lost too. We send you all love and rumbly purrs.

    Whicky Wuudler

  31. Me and my cat Charlie came over from Sammy and Andy’s Meowsville after reading of your very sad and awful loss. We are truly sorry and are grieving with you.
    Dearest Paddy – we know you are now happily climbing trees over the bridge and being the wonderful kitty that you always were.
    Take care

  32. I read about Paddy from Sammy and Andy and immediatley came to let you know how very sorry we are about her passing. PLease know we are thinking about you all during this difficult time.
    Puddles and mum

  33. We are so sorry about sweet Paddy! We were sure she was going to be okay, and we are so sad that she didn’t make it. We are sending purrs to you now to help in your loss.

  34. Deepest sympathy on the loss of Paddy’s life. Maybe she shouldn’t have been allowed to breed and should have been spayed. She lost her life for absolutely no reason at all.

  35. So devastated to hear that Paddy’s gone off to the bridge. Our deepest sympathies to your whole family!

    But do not fall too deeply into sorrow, after all – this isn’t goodbye, it’s merely a see you later.

    Blessed be xox

  36. We is so very sad to hear about Paddy. We can’t imagine that you could have done more to help her. You were an angel to her, and now she is an angel for you.

  37. Our deepest sympathy to you and the kittens. Our mum lights a special candle when one of us crosses the bridge. She will light this candle for Paddy. From the many posts, you can see Paddy has touched so many people. She will be remembered in the hearts of all those who loved her.

  38. Dear Paddy’s family…we did not know you but have read so many touching stories about Paddy on other blogs. We are so very sorry for the loss of your dear sweet Paddy. Run free sweet girl and tell Milky-Way (our first kitty) hello when you see him.
    Madi and Mom

  39. so verreh sorreh to hear of Paddy’s untimely passing… it is even sadder because at first it looked like she would be okay, and then you got that phone call. sending our sweetest and softest purrs to you from our home here. she will be happy and loved at The Bridge, and meet you all there when that time someday comes.

  40. I am so very sorry to hear of Paddy’s death. I have been following some of her situation, but was still as shocked as anyone. My thoughts are with you…and I am so very sad.
    ~Lisa from Cat of Nine Tales

  41. We are so sorry to hear about Paddy – our thoughts are with you – it is so hard to lose your furry but especially one still young like her. She will be playing at the Rainbow Bridge as she used to be, meeting old friends and making new ones.

  42. We are so sorry. We were so hoping the Paddy would be able to come through this. Sending soft purrs and gentle head butts to all of you, especially her little kittens.

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  43. We heard from Ginger Jasper about the loss of Paddy. We wanted to tell you how very sorry we are for your loss. Godspeed dear Paddy and have lots of fun at the Rainbow Bridge. Debbie and Holly

  44. I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you. As already said, I hope Paddy is having lots of fun at Rainbow Bridge. My prayers are with you.

  45. My condolences — what a sad way to leave this earth! Her babies will miss her too.
    I hope each one of her kittens is spayed before adoption so this does not happen to them in the future.
    May Paddy fly with the angels and rest in peace.

  46. I know you are very, very sad. Me too. I just had to do a tribute to Paddy on the LOLSpot; a reprise of previous pictures — sort of like a mini-biography. I’ll understand if it’s too painful for you right now, but this is something I had to do for myself, as well.

  47. Sweet Paddy–Heaven must have needed another angelic purr. My eyes are watering–just as Tommy’s are. I longed to see you in trees. Will foever remember you in this picture posted.

    Purrs and prayers from Texas,


    Psalms 50:15

  48. We are devastated to hear about Paddy’s death. Mom has been away for a few days and we all wept together when we read the sad news. We will miss this wonderful little free spirit more than we can say. We are so very sorry.

    Run free little Paddy. You will always be loved and remembered.

    Milo, Alfie, and our Mom xxx

  49. We are so very sorry for your loss. I hope your sweet Paddy is up there playing with my beloved kitties. I can tell by her picture that my kitties would love to play with her.
    God Bless You and your kitties.

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